At home also have a way to make grapefruit pomace is not bitter, preserved moldy?

We need to pay more attention to food consumption every day
Nowadays, the trend of self-production - self-supplying - making kinds of confectionery, herbal drinks, refreshments for health care is being used by many housewives. How to make grapefruit jam is not bitter, how to make tea through the heat bar detoxification .... shared enthusiastically on the social networking site.
In recent years, cancer has become a vicious epidemic of human life. According to scientific analysis, most diseases are caused by diet. So each of us should equip ourselves with the knowledge to prevent cancer. Particular attention is paid to the sources of food consumed, used daily. Concerned not only in the trace of origin but also in the processing and preservation of them.
How to make grapefruit jam is not bitter
Cách làm mứt bưởi không bị đắng
Nowadays, self-production - self-processing of jam cakes, herbal drinks, refreshments, health care seems to become a movement
Why not make jam from grapefruit peel at home?
Eating is a basic activity that plays an important role in human life, eating well enough, eating to improve health. Especially how to choose, preserve foods to not be extremely important diseases. Homemade grapefruit jam recipes are shared with many recipes, such as lime water, self-drying, although it is taken seriously but there are many potential hazards.
If the processing of agro-forestry, seafood as well as other dishes is based solely on the process as we think, then perhaps the factories of the enterprise scale is disintegrated!
How to make grapefruit jam is not bitter
Cách làm mứt bưởi không bị đắng
Grapefruit pomelos drying self-drying although done quite seriously but there are many potential risks are not good for health
Absolutely no use of jammed mold
It is possible to make a bitter grapefruit jam at your home successfully, but it is unlikely they will guarantee aesthetics and other nutritional factors. Especially in the process of preservation they can also be moldy, fermentation by drying does not guarantee the temperature.
Nutritionists also say that when food is moldy or food is poorly maintained, food is susceptible to green fungus, producing aflatoxin, a toxic substance for the liver.
Many people think that when meringue peel jam or some dried leaves are moldy, just copy or dry in the sun, the mold will be destroyed and continue to use. The toxicity of mold is not destroyed even at high temperatures. Aflatoxin bacteria enter the food, the body is not sure they cause digestive disorders as usual. Bacteria, which stimulate new cancer cells, are their primary mission!
Remember! Not all food can be made homemade, and not self-reliant really good. Eat a selective diet, and be wise in your consumption to have a perfectly healthy body in your own way.
Cách làm mứt bưởi không bị đắng
Food is moldy or poorly preserved, food is susceptible to green fungus, produces aflatoxin - a toxic substance for the liver