Activity Company

Nông Lâm Food tặng trái cây sấy cho Bệnh viện Nhiệt đới TP HCM chung tay chống Covid-19


Công ty Cổ Phần Nông Lâm Food và cựu học sinh trường Lương Thế Vinh trao tặng 250 phần trái cây sấy dẻo, 250 hộp hạt dinh dưỡng và 1.000 tai giả hỗ trợ đeo khẩu trang để phục vụ công tác phòng, chống dịch Covid-19 tại Bệnh viện Nhiệt đới Tp. HCM, hôm 24/4.

Make use of by-products to get started


From the agricultural by-products removed as pomelo peel, lemon peel ... teachers and students of the University of Agriculture and Forestry has made snack interesting and nutritious for the user.

From Byproducts to Supper Snacks


The atmosphere of the event City leaders met the startup community bustling last week. People are looking for products of young people, startup businesses. Agricultural products such as mushroom seeds, natural oils, dried grapefruit peel, honey, tea from flowers ... are of great interest. Among them, a group of quite special products of agro-forestry business: pomelo peel, lemon cord drying. Where to buy tphcm delicious tunes