How to make orange chocolate jam delicious, strange mouth

Material to be prepared
This is one of the most important steps in making chocolate orange jam. You should choose the orange oranges, the bruise is not bruised or damaged. To ensure the best health care you should choose the orange that is sold in supermarkets, oranges do not contain toxic chemicals. You can choose from 4 or more Navel cams to get the orange shells you can buy at supermarkets or fruit stalls. In addition, should be prepared about 2kg oranges or orange oranges to get the juice of the jam. Prepare more sugar, 100g chocolate, 10g butter can choose chocolate with sugar or pure chocolate are depending on preferences. In addition to the above ingredients, you should also prepare the necessary equipment for making jam, so that the jam is convenient and time-consuming.
how to make orange jam
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Prepare the oranges and the ingredients needed for the jam
How to make chocolate jam
First, in the marmalade is to wash all Navel Orange peel off the orange peel and cut into small pieces of finger to make jam. Boil water, then boil orange peel, boil orange peel in the pot about 3 minutes then take out, drop into cold water. Repeat this step 2-3 times so that the orange peel jam is not bitter. After boiling, orange marinated with sugar, honey for overnight orange peel to absorb completely. With the oranges, squeeze the juice to let it into the jam, then place the orange on the stove and start slugging with a small fire. While slugging orange peel, you limit the island so much orange peel does not break. The orange peel is very small until the juice is dry, the orange peel is soft, straight and clear. Then, turn off the stove for orange peel jam and dry it in the refrigerator for one day before covering with chocolate. Add chocolate and butter to a small bowl and let it cool. Use a spoon and then dip the orange jam. Put the chocolate on the orange peel, about 2/3 of the jam. Arrange the cherry jam on the tray, wait for the chocolate to freeze is usable. Finally, just put the orange peel jam into glass jar, cover tightly and use gradually.
how to make orange jam
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Orange and delicious chocolate jam
Note how to make orange peel jam
With the orange jam we share above you can do it at home easily. However, during the jam you also have to pay attention to the delicious and beautiful jams as you desire. Orange used to make jam you should choose the orange with yellow shell, thick when done will not be crushed and the color is also better. With a pan, the pot should be selected for thick jams are not burned due to overheating, when the slug should stir evenly when jam jam, then gently to avoid peeling orange peels. Store jars in jars, glass jars, plastic or sealed plastic bags in a cool place away from the sun. No need to put in the refrigerator, after use should be tightly closed otherwise the jelly will be watery and reduced quality. Here are some simple ways to make jammed orange that you can do right at home. However, for those who are too busy and still want to use it should choose his address to provide prestige jam. In particular, Nong Lam Food is one of the units specializing in providing healthy jams, which you should refer.
how to make orange jam
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Nong Lam Food is the top address for health
All products in Nong Lam Food are selected ingredients that have great health benefits for processing. All steps from research, processing and distribution are carried out with high expertise, passion, dedication and love to create useful products for the health of the user and service. community.
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