The harm when using low quality lemon jam

Blood sugar disorders: Poor quality lemon jam products often use added sugar to increase calories. In addition, there are additives to increase the use time but do not provide essential nutrients, resulting in the body is loaded with virtual energy compared to reality. When you use these foods you will feel the energy is loaded immediately, but when reached the peak, the blood sugar quickly dropped causing hypoglycemia, shock and sudden fatigue.
Incense, preservatives: In addition to sweeteners, poor quality jams also contain flavorants and preservatives. These are extremely harmful substances that harm the health of the user if used too much. Excessive use can cause stomach pain, allergies, food poisoning, cancer and other serious illnesses.
Poor quality products can be hazardous to health
Gastrointestinal effects: It can be said that roasted lemon jams contain an abundant source of fiber that can provide positive benefits to the body. But if you overuse or use poor quality jams, it can adversely affect the intestinal tract, cause bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. The best way to do this is to split the diet. Eat enough to make sure you have enough fiber for your health. At the same time avoid the poor quality products, unknown origin or production unit.
Tooth decay: In the composition of the jam, dried fruits are usually added to a certain amount of fructose to keep the fruit moist and prevent them from sticking together. However, this sugar is the cause of tooth decay. Not only that, with poor quality products using chemical sugar, they not only destroys enamel but also endanger health if used too much. Therefore, you should use sugar-free products, bring sweet taste.
Lemon jam
 Use well-intentioned jams to ensure safety
Not good for people with asthma: One of the hazards in poor quality jam is sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide is an unpleasant odor gas produced from coal or oil and is used as a disinfectant, bleach or preservative. Use of this substance will help the fruit maintain its natural color, taste is also less changed and the shelf life will be longer than normal. These substances can be fatal to people with asthma and should be taken into account.
The above are the harmful effects of using poor quality lemon jam, which you should consult. In addition, they are very harmful to health, so you should be careful when choosing. It is best to check the product carefully, choose the address that provides prestige with the famous brand of quality. If you are wondering which unit to choose Nong Lam Food is one of the prestigious addresses, you should refer.
Lemon jam
Nong Lam Food - Address for providing quality dried fruit products
Consumers are keen to enjoy the deliciously dried fruit jams such as lemon jams, but they do not have much time, or busy with their work, so they can not know how to make lemons. You can rest assured that Nong Lam Food is a specialized unit providing fruit jam, quality assurance, meet the criteria of export products. With the goal to bring the product line to domestic consumers quality as export products. Therefore, Nong Lam Food is always assured about the choice of raw materials, production process, product censorship, ... we are proud to bring customers the most impressive product line. Nong Lam Food is one of the specialized suppliers of natural jams. With the process of choosing raw materials and closed production, meeting the standards of food hygiene and safety, strictly controlled will certainly satisfy all customers. In addition, come to us customers also receive thoughtful customer service and many attractive incentive programs. With a team of professional consultants are available to guide and answer any questions of customers.
Lemon jam
The products of Nong Lam Food are very popular and widely used
Lemon jam at Nong Lam Food after drying still retain the delicious taste, not dry hard. Ensure food safety because the product is dried in a closed cycle, no contact with the environment outside. The product retains the quality of the product as the nutritional composition, taste, color and nature of the product.
Please contact Hotline 0901727399 for advice and more information, we are honored to serve you.
Address: 116 Nguyen Hoang, An Phu Ward , District 02, Ho Chi Minh City
Hotline: 0901727399