How to lose belly fat quickly after a few weeks

In order to build a successful belly fat reduction program, you need to understand the cause of it as well as what should and should not be done during weight loss.
What causes fat accumulation in the lower abdomen?
Your daily bad habits are the cause of increasing ring size 2. Being too lazy to work, sitting too much to make fat can not burn and accumulate throughout the body, focused more in the second round. Therefore, the office workers sitting for many hours continuously not standing up. After a few hours of work, the buildup of fat in the lower abdomen is sure to happen.
exercise weight loss
exercise weight loss
If you do not get enough sleep, the amount of cortisol in your body increases, causing your cravings to consume uncontrolled sweets.
In addition, the lack of sleep also leads to frequent nighttime meals, but at night the digestive system can not function as strongly as the day so the food you are feeding at this time can not be thoroughly digested to accumulate. fatty under the skin, especially round 2. Another cause of obesity is that you often eat with emotion and drink too much carbonated water. Many people suffer from uncontrolled emotionally uncontrolled calorie intake. The eating of this mood continues to cause uncontrolled burning of energy, the excess calories converted into fat accumulation under the skin. Therefore, you need to change your daily routine, diet as well as regular exercise weight loss to regain your charm curve.
exercise weight loss
exercise weight loss
Bad habits cause the leading cause of obesity
The way to lose belly fat fast
Understand the causes of abdominal obesity from which you can build a weight loss curriculum that is suitable for you. First you need to change your own bad habits such as limiting foods that are high in bad fats, cholesterol, stimulants like coffee beverages ... changing the scientific timetable to get plenty of sleep and avoid night supper after 20pm. Provide enough water for the body, do not skip breakfast at all, keep the mood relaxed, not stress and limit the emotional diet control good intake of calories. Especially you have to persist in exercising weight loss, make weight loss exercise become your daily indispensable habit. Having a healthy lifestyle, a healthy diet that will make you feel better, and an overweight body will soon be solved. Here are some exercises for weight loss dedicated to office workers who often sit a lot of exercise:
Action 1: Stand upright, with two hands on the hips, turn the upper half to the left and return to the original position, then turn to the right. Performs 10 moves for each side. Note: try turning back as far as possible.
Exercise 2: Stand upright with your back, with your hands on your thigh, slowly lower your body, bend your belly, face toward your thighs, with your hands on your feet. Hold this position for 30 seconds and return to its original position. Repeat the action 10 - 15 times daily.
Maneuver 3: Sit upright, put your hands across your belly, hold your fingers together, push your right hand backwards, push your left hand to the right, return to the original position and repeat with the side. left. Repeat for 3 minutes.
With abdominal fat reduction exercises in place, you can combine both workouts and help the body after stressful working hours reduce belly fat effectively. In addition, you should make the most of your walking, climbing stairs to help consume the fat that builds up under the skin and helps muscles move, strengthen and shape, tighten areas like corn. legs, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
exercise weight loss
exercise weight loss
After every hour of work you should have the movement in place
Food supports the process of losing weight
Changing bad habits, building a scientific diet combining exercise and weight-loss training is an effective safety measure that nutrition experts say. However, in the short time of a sudden change of habits will make us not timely adapt, inevitably craving hunger. If you do not get past your appetite for a second or two, then all your previous efforts have returned to zero. The process of change is a bit difficult, but if you go through the first stage, everything will be fine later. Here we introduce you food that is very good support for you during the weight loss, which is the gummy gummy peel. Inside the gummy pomelo still contains special bioactive polyphenols, which help burn fat quickly and efficiently. It also reduces the absorption of cholesterol and fat by high fiber and pectin. Besides, the peel of dried grapefruit