How to make delicious orange jam, strange mouth for the family

Orange jam
Many families have a habit of eating breakfast with bread and jam, but jam is usually bought in supermarkets or shops. However, you can do right with the delicious orange jam, beautiful after. First of all, you choose golden oranges, do not bruise and sliced ​​into thin slices. Bring orange slices into the water, orange juice and lime juice to cover for the night. The next day, the orange was soaked in the stove for 30 minutes with fire just to peel soft orange completely. Then, remove all the orange slices into a thin cloth to clean the water, remove the residue, put the orange juice in the pot before. Next, let the sugar in the orange juice stirring to dissolve the sugar, turn the stove to boil again. Bring a small flame until the jam is off, turn off the kitchen, to cool those who want to eat the orange peel, just to stir the hand to cam. Finally put the jam into the glass jar, put the lid on, place in cool and use gradually.
how to make orange jam
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The orange jam is delicious and beautiful
Orange slice
In addition to the orange jam, sliced ​​orange jam is also popular. You also need to prepare orange jam, berry into more slices about 1cm thick. To reduce the bitterness, put the whole orange slice in cold water and 3 tablespoons of salt for overnight, then rinse. After washing the orange for 2 minutes to reduce the bitterness of the jam, then remove the orange and use paper to absorb water. Mix the sugar into the orange to dissolve and absorb for about 2-3 hours after the start of the jam. Add some water to the orange and put on the stove in a very small fire, the sugar water, orange and dry. During the boil, you should only flip gently on each piece of orange, avoid using chopsticks to make the orange crushed. When the oranges have turned in color, drained water is turned off using chopsticks to pick up each slice of orange for the blisters or paper to cool. If your house has a kiln, you can put the orange in the oven for 2 minutes to dry it, otherwise you can use coal stove or exposed to the sun. Finally put the jam into a sealed box, place the cooler is usable.
how to make orange jam
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The orange slice is delicious and nutritious
A strange orange peel mousse
This is the most popular jams today, with the orange jam is also very simple. After eating the oranges you keep the shells, sliced ​​them with a thickness of about 1cm, soaked in salt water diluted overnight. Then rinse and rinse the orange skin in boiling water for 2-5 minutes, can be done several times to reduce the bitter taste of oranges. Remove the orange peel and mix the orange peel with sugar, honey, orange juice for 2-3 hours for the sugar to dissolve completely. Then, place the orange peel on the stove, heat with a small fire until the paste, orange peel color to transparent. When the orange peel off the kitchen, can prepare a cup of sand sugar to remove the orange peel, can coat through the road to those who love to eat sweet. Otherwise, just place the orange peel on the sun drying tray or use a charcoal stove for drying. Finally, put the orange peel into a glass jar and use it slowly, which can be stored in the refrigerator. Here are simple ways to make a simple orange jam, but your family can enjoy delicious food every day. For those who are too busy can choose to buy the marmalade in Nong Lam Food, this is one of the prestigious units that you should consult.
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The orange peel is delicious, nutritious and strange mouth
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