Modern life with work, we can not avoid the time of tension, tired of facing heavy pressure. Being a modern woman, to balance work and family is not easy. So how to relieve pressure at the desk, so that after hours the woman can take care of the family integrity. Nong Lam Food to find out how modern women choose to relieve the pressure of the office!

Listen to a lively music

For office workers, one day more than eight hours must work in the office environment. Music is the "spiritual food" indispensable in the face of a lot of mental pressure. Some studies show that when sad and listening to a sad song, the situation is more prolonged. On the contrary, if you enjoy the exciting music, the more exciting. So when there are signs of stress, pressure on the job, then listen to some exciting music. It's going to be a lot of hype.

Build the working angle into a miniature green environment

Psychologists also explained that to relieve stress, office fatigue was partly due to the green patch around the corner. Modern women often dress around their work corners with a few pots of flowers, a small vase and cute stuff like a family photo frame. The green color is always creating a sense of relaxation, help women relieve stress, increase positive feelings to revive the dark days.

Use aroma therapy

According to actual research, the smell of the oil can help reduce stress effectively. The processing of the smell of the brain is next to the emotional center of the brain, so the sense of smell will make the spirit of calm, more cheerful. Today, the corner of the desk of the sister can not lack the oil bottle. Using aroma therapy as a great way to reduce stress.

Chat with energetic people

Choosing to chat with coworkers instead of being annoyed with people is a way for the office girl to overcome stress. Get closer and chat with the person who is full of vitality. It is also a way of finding new sources of energy to continue to rise.

Sip a dish

Snacking on stress is not a bad idea. According to a professor of Columbia University psychiatry, the connection between the stomach and brain is huge, and many interesting data support the idea that stomach is the mediator for stress responses. .
Sisters of the office today choose for themselves a snack from nature such as fruits: grapefruit, guava, mango ... instead of starchy foods, other grease. Weight gain is also a form of stress for the women in the office. The food will turn into a meditation-like relaxation if it gives you the feeling of relief and no worries about gaining weight. Nong Lam Food's dried fruits and dried fruits will be your companion along the way to dissipate the tensions and fatigue of the office.

Nong Lam Food offers dried fruit products, natural fruit peels containing a variety of biologically active ingredients that are beneficial to the health of the user. Nong Lam Food's dried-grape peel is extremely good for relieving tension and fatigue. The essential oil in the grapefruit peel has the ability to enhance the spirit, help reduce depression, create a sense of fun for the user.

Punch a piece of crisp greens, chat a few keyboards with your colleague and enjoy the aroma of relaxing aromatic oils at your desk. Certainly the stress, the pressure in the work will gradually away.

Nong Lam Food's dried grape pudding is a healthful product, a snack that does not increase weight. It is an attractive choice to add to the sisters' daily snack menu.
If your office work makes you constantly stress. Add a piece of Nong Lam Food's soft plastic wrapper on your desk right now!

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