Top specialty Saigon specialty snacks

Saigon is a city of street food diversity, have had the opportunity to visit this place, then quickly "association", "team" to bombard the specialties of Saigon.
Cake mix
It is said that Saigon specialty snacks without mentioning "national dishes" - rice cake mix is ​​a great omission. Only at an average price of 10,000 dong can you find this dish in all the streets of Saigon. One bag of mixed rice will be yellowish color with dried mango, dried beef, dried squid, roasted peanuts and quail eggs will all be mixed in the bag and then eat only. With all the flavors, sweet and sour spicy cheap price so this dish is very popular, especially the students.
Vietnamese specialty
Vietnamese specialty
Pancakes mixed, snacks are favored today
A dish can say is unique, it seems only in Saigon. Deer is a familiar dish of the Chinese made from animal organs such as pigs, cows, chickens, ducks, ... and breaking lagoon is the most favorite dish in Saigon. This dish is appealing in the sweet, sweet and juicy portion combined with the long-lasting sweetness of the heart, and a little fat of the stomach, which can be eaten with the chilli will feel the aromatic flavor of the dish. On rainy days in Saigon, if there may be a barbecue with bread, not only belly but also warm heart.
Vietnamese specialty
Vietnamese specialty
A dish can say is unique, it seems only in Saigon
Rice noodle
And the title of Saigon's most famous specialty snack is definitely the knob. There are no places other than Saigon, so you can catch the noodles in almost every street of Saigon and sell almost 24 hours a day. The distinctive feature of this dish is the sound made by the noodle vendor made of bamboo stick and stainless steel spoon knocking together to create the sound of the cup going all the way, alley. Those who want to eat just walk out to the alley, call a few minutes later have a bowl of hot sauce with noodles, thin slices of thin meat, some prices, chives, dried onions and pieces of fat. Dishes are just simple ingredients, but when mixed with them, it creates a difficult taste, especially when you work late at night, a car noodle soup can be the savior for your stomach. .
Vietnamese specialty
Vietnamese specialty
When you work late at night, a noodle soup can be the savior of your stomach
Saigon, which tells the junk food is really not to say, the city not only the bustling variety of fun but also rich in snack food. So when it came to Saigon, it was definitely together with the gang to pull together to the bar food that bombarded until the end of the delicious only. If you are still wondering what to buy when traveling, please go to the dried fruit of NongLamFood. NongLamFood is a healthy snack that is especially good for those of you who are doing weight loss and especially the price that is affordable for everyone.
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