Weight loss by natural methods is increasingly favored by safety and does not negatively affect health. In addition to grapefruit - a fruit or used in the process of weight loss, string passion fruit is also a safe choice. Take a look at some of the simple home-made passion fruitade weight loss methods below that will help you get leaner.

Simple weight loss formula with passion fruit

Passion fruit juice

Every day you drink from 1 to 2 cups passion fruit juice will help the body to inhibit fat, fat loss quickly. This helps to speed up the process of losing weight fast.


- 5 - 6 passion fruits
- Ice
- 2 teaspoons black sugar


- Take the passion fruit wire washed, using a double knife to get the intestines into the glass.
- Put the sugar in the passion fruit juice
- Put the mixture into the blender, puree.
- Use a sieve several times until there are no black seeds, pour into glasses, add some ice and enjoy.

Passion fruit honey honey

Use passion fruit juice mixed with honey to drink from 3 to 4 times a week. Will help quickly reduce 2 - 4kg within a few weeks.


- 4 passion fruits
- 500ml of warm water
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1 passion fruit slice


- Passion fruit takes the intestines into the glass. Mix 500ml of warm water with 2 tablespoons of forest honey.
- Pour passion fruit juice into honey mixed with water, add fresh passion fruit slices can enjoy the delicious passion fruit juice then.

Sliced ​​passion fruit zest

Passion fruit Striped Lime is a very light weight loss drink and surprisingly effective. It has the effect of eliminating fat from the outside, while limiting appetite, helping you lose weight effectively and safely.


- 4 passion fruits
- 1 small can of milk
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 100ml of fresh milk
- 100ml of filtered water
- 1 bowl of ice cubes


- Passion fruit leaves the intestine to filter thoroughly to get juice. Remove the particles then mix with 100ml of water.
- Add passion fruit juice + 100ml fresh milk + 1 tablespoon condensed milk + 2 teaspoons sugar into the blender.
- Blend to shake and grind to simmer evenly. So you have a drink that is incredibly fragrant and surprisingly effective.

Note when using passion fruit weight loss strings

- Passion fruit is sour taste, so you should not abuse this method of weight loss to avoid.
- Do not drink too much and drink when hungry will affect the stomach.
- When using passion fruit to reduce fat, you need to combine a diet menu science, exercise regimen fitness to increase weight loss.

Dried Passion Fruit at Nong Lam Food is a snack that does not increase weight

Understand the benefits of passion fruit strings in supporting weight loss. Nong Lam Food offers you a passion fruit-wrapped cord. This is a result of the processing process researched and developed by professors, Ph.D. in HCMC University of Agriculture and Forestry.
Bring healthy nutrients and be an effective aide to your weight loss process. The passion fruit custard is an attractive snack to add to the daily routine of the office sisters. And also as a supplement to lose weight more effectively.
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